We are very happy and proud to be the winner of the Best of Industry Award 2022 of the trade magazine MM MaschinenMarkt.

The readers of the trade magazine voted and placed our SOMANET Circulo in first place in the "Motion Control" category. You can watch the award ceremony here:

Synapticon would like to thank the entire development team for their support, Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG for the great online award ceremony and all the readers who voted for us.

"We are honored to receive this award from 'Maschinenmarkt' and its readership," said Nikolai Ensslen, CEO of Synapticon. "It is a validation of the hard work and dedication of our team in developing SOMANET Circulo. We are determined to continue to innovate and push the boundaries of motion control technology to make industrial automation safer and more efficient."

Winning the award is a significant achievement for Synapticon and underlines the company's commitment to innovation and safety in the field of motion control. SOMANET Circulo is a highly advanced product that meets the requirements of the modern manufacturing industry and fits perfectly into Industry 4.0. It is a great example of how technology is driving the future of the automation industry and robotics, and it is clear that the SOMANET Circulo will continue to be a major player in the motion control space.

In summary, the award for the SOMANET Circulo is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Synapticon team. The product is a milestone in the field of motion control and enables more efficient and safer collaboration between humans and robots. It is a big step forward in the field of industrial automation, making it safer and more efficient. Winning the award is recognition of the product's impact on the market, and it is clear that SOMANET Circulo will continue to be a major player in the field of motion control.


At Synapticon, we are always on the lookout for people with talent and vision. Let's talk about how you can develop your full potential with us. We look forward to hearing from you.